Sunday, February 12, 2012

Makeready Reduction in a Platen Die Cutting Operation: An Analysis of Process Improvement Methodologies

Makeready Reduction in a Platen Die Cutting Operation: An Analysis of Process Improvement Methodologies Review

The research focused on determining whether specific process improvement methodologies performed in a Kaizen event could reduce the overall makeready process in a platen die cutting operation. Data was collected and analyzed in order to identify opportunities that would reduce the effort (procedure steps and time) within the makeready procedure. Analysis was conducted on the makeready procedure at a packaging company in Rochester, New York. The researcher worked with the Center for Excellence in Lean Enterprise (CELE) at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in conducting the Kaizen event. This research revealed opportunities for a Bobst SP-102E platen die cutting machine makeready process by removing the excessive motion to develop a more effective makeready process. This research was an important aspect that contributes to the efforts to reduce cost in print manufacturing by analyzing the effects of process improvement methodologies for a platen die cutting operation.

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